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1967 – 1969

  • The Lesson by Eugène Ionesco (John Lion, dir.)

    The Gas Heart by Tristan Tzara (John Lion, dir.)

  • The Leader by Eugène Ionesco (John Lion, dir.)

    Jack, or The Submission by Eugène Ionesco (John Lion, dir.)

    Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry (John Lion, dir.)

    Victims of Duty by Eugène Ionesco (John Lion, dir.)

  • Dutchman by Leroi Jones (John Lion, dir.)

    The Master by James Schevill (John Lion, dir.)

    First Communion by Fernando Arrabal (John Lion, dir.)

    Thoughts on Meeting a Friend by Jean-Claude van Itallie (John Lion, dir.)

    The Gargoyle Cartoon: The Cherub by Michael McClure (Ric Prindle, dir.)

    Meat Poem by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Miles Gloriosus by Plautus (Doug Johnson, dir.)

    The Charbroiled Chinchilla: The Pansy by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Spider Rabbit by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    The Meatball by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

1970 – 1979

  • Two One Acts:

    • Striptease of Jealousy by Fernando Arrabal (Terry Wills, dir.)

    • The Madness of Lady Bright by Lanford Wilson (Terri Wills, dir.)

    La Turista by Sam Shepard (Nagle Jackson, dir.)

    Two One Acts:

    • Botticelli by Terrence McNally (Terry Wills, dir.)

    • Witness by Terrence McNally (John Lion, dir.)

    The Brutal Brontosaurus: The Shell by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    The Authentic Life of Bruce Connor and Snoutburbler by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Appleglove by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Sheriff Bill by John Lion (John Lion, dir.)

  • The Fish by Drury Pifer (Bob Goldsby, dir.)


    • Beau by Nick Kazan (John Lion, dir.)

    • Stroganoff by Nick Kazan (John Lion, dir.)

    • Oppenheimer’s Chair by James Schevill (Robert Hirschfeld, dir.)

    • The Growl by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    The Genuine Lunatic by Lon Eakes (Jim Milton, dir.)

    Miles Gloriosus by Plautus (Doug Johnson, dir.)

    The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare (John Lion, dir.)

  • Polymorphous Pirates: The Button by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    The Pussy by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    The Feather by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Plastic Panic by Nick Kazan (Jim Milton, dir.)

    The Great 200th Anniversary H-Bomb Crisis by Robert Riche (Terry Wills, dir.)

    Dinosaurs by John O’Brien

    The White Shark and the Capon by William Mamus (Jerry Slate, dir.)

    Chamber Piece by John O’Keefe (Ken Grantham, dir.)

  • Boxes by Susan Yankowitz (Robert Hirschfield, dir.)

    Auto-Destruct by Jeff Wanshel (John Lion, dir.)

    The Great American Sports Machine: Ball Game by Nick Kazan (John Lion, dir.)

    Donald Duck by Terry Miller (John Lion, dir.)

    Fans by Joe Landon (John Lion, dir.)

    Intermission by Wynston Ashly Jones (John Lion, dir.)

    Jimmy Beam by John O’Keefe (John Lion, dir.)

    Two One Acts:

    • The Beard by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    • Spider Rabbit by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

  • Gorf by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Music Piece by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    American Vermillion by Gary Copeland (Marc Jacobs, dir.)

    Strike Zone by Ava Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    In the Beginning by Ava Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    Foofooraw by Fred Rue Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    Dream Girl Ballroom by Fred Rue Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    Cindy’s Dead by Ava Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    The Inspector by Fred Rue Jacobs (Ken Grantham, dir.)

  • The Death and Life of Jesse James by Len Jenkin (John Lion, dir.)

    Two One Acts:

    • Action by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    • Killer’s Head by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    Three One Acts:

    • Fear of Heights by Wynston Jones (John Lion, dir.)

    • Sweet Eros by Terrence McNally (John Lion, dir.)

    • Striptease of Jealousy by Fernando Arrabal (John Lion, dir.)

    Soon 3 by Alan Finneran (Alan Finneran, dir.)

    Two for the Tricentennial:

    • The Grabbing of the Fairy by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    • Pink Helmet by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Angel City by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

  • Sexual Perversity in Chicago by David Mamet (Albert Takazaukas, dir.)

    The Duck Variations by David Mamet (Albert Takazaukas, dir.)

    AC/DC by Heathcote Williams (John Lion, dir.)

    Inacoma by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    Alfred Dies by Israel Horovitz (John Lion, dir.)

    Hospital by Jock Reynolds and Suzanne Hellmuth (Jock Reynolds and Suzanne Helmuth, dir.)

    Are You Lookin’ by Murray Mednick (John Lion, dir.)

  • Wolves by John Robinson (Robert Woodruff, dir.)

    The Wild Goose by Jeff Wanshel (John Lion, dir.)

    Minnie Mouse and the Tap Dancing Buddha by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Home on the Range by Jon Phillip Palmer (Rena Down, dir.)

    Tongues by Joseph Chaikin and Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    Shakespeare the Sadist by Wolfgang Bauer (John Lion, dir.)

    Buried Child by Sam Shepard (Robert Woodruff, dir.)

    Emigres by Slawomir Mrozek (Andrew Doe, dir.)

  • Uncommon Women and Others by Wendy Wasserstein (Albert Takazaukas)

    Two O’Clock Feeding by Madeline Puccioni (Suresa Dundes, dir.)

    The Red Snake by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Sightlines by Mark Eisman (John Lion, dir.)

    Magnetic Kisses by Wolfgang Bauer (John Lion, dir.)

    The Autobiography of a Pearl Diver by Martin Epstein (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    The Barbecue by John Robinson (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Suicide in B-Flat by Sam Shepard (Robert Woodruff, dir.)

    Savage/Love by Joseph Chaikin and Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

  • Josephine the Mouse Singer by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Skywheels by John Robinson (Albert Takazaukas, dir.)

    Nightfall by Louis Black (Suresa Dundes, dir.)

    Emperor Norton by James Shevill (John Lion, dir.)

    Perfidia by Studio Scarabee (Adri Boon, dir.)

    All Night Long by John O’Keefe (Ken Grantham, dir.)

    Charles the Irrelevant by Martin Epstein (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Taxes by Murray Mednick (Ralph Cook, dir.)

    True West by Sam Shepard (Robert Woodruff, dir.)

    A Prelude to Death in Venice by Lee Breuer (Lee Breuer, dir.)

    Sister Susie Cinema by Lee Breuer (Lee Breuer, dir.)

1980 – 1989

  • Winterplay by Adele Edling Shank (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Frankie and Johnnie: A True Story by Winston Tong and Bruce Geduldig (Winston Tong and Bruce Geduldig, dir.)

    The Saints of Father Lyons by John O’Keefe (John O’Keefe, dir.)

    The Man Who Killed Buddha by Martin Epstein (Martin Epstein, dir.)

    Mr. Smith is Dying by Martine Getty (David Ostwald, dir.)

    The Story by Carol Lashof (David Ostwald, dir.)

    Europa by George Kaiser (John Lion, dir.)

    The Feeding by Pat Pfeiffer (Alan Duke, dir.)

    Memory Hotel by Wolfgang Bauer (John Lion, dir.)

    Seduced by Sam Shepard (Michelle Swanson, dir.)

  • Victims of War by George Walker (Robert Woodruff, dir.)

    Stuck by Adele Edling Shank (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Passing Shots by Stephen Yasha (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Renaissance Radar by Soon3 (Alan Finneran, dir.)

    The Debt by John Robinson (Ken Grantham)

    Off Center by Martin Epstein (Martin Epstein, dir.)

    Possum Song by Martin Epstein (Martin Epstein, dir.)

    Ghosts by John O’Keefe (John O’Keefe, dir.)

    Fire at Luna Park by Theodore Faro Gross (Robert Robinson, dir.)

    Curse of the Starving Class by Sam Shepard (John Lion, dir.)

    Obedience School by Laura Farabough (Laura Farabough, dir.)

  • Sand Castles by Adele Edling Shank (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Chucky’s Hunch by Rochelle Owens (Elinor Renfield, dir.)

    Mt. Quad by Terry Hunter, Nat Fast & Stephen Weinstock (Terry Hunter, Nat Fast & Stephen Weinstock, dir.)

    Secret Numbers by John Lion (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Fool for Love by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    Voodoo Automatic and Red Rain by Soon3 (Alan Finneran & Bean Finneran, dir.)

    Sin, Sex, and Cinema by Roger Nieboer (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Singapore Sling by Wolfgang Bauer (Geoffrey Reeves, dir.)

    Playing in Local Bands by Nancy Fales Garrett (Nancy Gabor, dir.)

  • The Grass House by Adele Edling Shank (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Private Scenes by Joel Homer (Maggie L. Harrer, dir.)

    City Preacher by Ed Bullins (John Doyle, dir.)

    These Men by Mayo Simon (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    The Sister Joseph Memorial Gymnasium by Lucy Lewis (Simon Levy, dir.)

    Superstitions/The Sad Lament of Pecos Bill by Sam Shepard (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    Skaters by Stephen Wylie (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Cutting Canvas by James Keller & Albert Takazauckas (Albert Takazauckas)

    Aspices of Blackbirds by Nightletter Theatre (Nightletter Theatre, dir.)

  • Geniuses by Jonathan Reynolds (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Outcalls/Riptides by Soon3 (Alan Finneran & Bean Finneran, dir.)

    War Horses by Adele Edling Shank (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    The Couch by Lynne Kaufman (Simon Levy, dir.)

    Angel City by Sam Shepard (John Lion, dir.)

    Neon Psalms by Tom Strelich (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Love in the 3rd Degree by O-Lan Jones & Kathleen Kramer (Julie Hébert, dir.)

  • Buried Child by Sam Shepard (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Scar by Murray Mednick (Murray Mednick, dir.)

    Wild Indian by Theodore Shank (Simon Levy, dir.)

    The Detective: A Vaudeville Noveau Production (Joseph Chaikin, dir.)

    Bully by Paul D’Andrea (Dennis Dowry, dir.)

    Sharon and Billy by Alan Browne (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Honeymoon by Susan Champagne (Julie Hebert, dir.)

    Cooking Harry by Bill Talen (John Lion, dir.)

  • The Coyote Cycle by Murray Mednick (Murray Mednick & Norbert Weisser, dir.)

    Aunt Dan and Lemon by Wallace Shawn (John Lion, dir.)

    Visions of Beckett by Samuel Beckett (Stan Gontarski, dir.)

    Roshi by Lynne Kaufman (Simon Levy, dir.)

    True Beauties by Julie Hebert (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    The Beard and Spider Rabbit by Michael McClure (John Lion, dir.)

    Between East and West by Richard Nelson (Carl Weber, dir.)

    Soon3: DoublePlay by Alan Finneran (Alan Finneran, dir.)

  • Manslaughter by Nicholas Crawford (John Lion & Eli Simon, dir.)

    Apocalyptic Butterflies by Wendy MacLeod (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    Happy Days by Samuel Beckett (Stan Gontarski, dir.)

    Pledging my Love by John Steppling (John Steppling & Robert Glaudini, dir.)

    A Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O’Neill (John Lion, dir.)

    Fool for Love by Sam Shepard (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Bodily Concessions by Laura Farabough (Laura Farabough, dir.)

  • Interior Decoration by William Hamilton (Seigel Tabori, dir.)

    Talk Radio by Eric Bogosian (John Lion, dir.)

    Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitemore (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Endgame by Samuel Beckett (Stan Gontarski, dir.)

    The Promise by Jose Rivera (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    Springfest: Speaking in Tongues by Lynne Kaufman (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    Paraguay by Thomas Poole (Chris Brophy, dir.)

    The Poets Corner by Harry Kondoleon (Jorge Cachiero, dir.)

    Frankie and Johnny by Terrence McNally (Albert Takazaukas, dir.)

    Asian American Playwrights’ Festival:

    • Holy Food by Jessica Hagedorn (Christina Yao, dir.)

    • Ohio Tip-off by James Yoshimura (Mark Hayashi, dir.

    • Fire in Shell by Harupin-ha Butoh Dance Theatre (Koichi Tamano, art. dir.)

    • Faceless by Paul Kwan & Arnold Iger (Paul Kwan & Arnold Iger, dir.)

    • Barrancas by Rosanna Yamigiwa (Phyllis S.K. Look, dir.)

  • The Film Society by Jon Robin Baitz (Theodore Shank, dir.)

    Spoils of War by Michael Weller (John Lion, dir.)

    Vegetal by Veronique Guillaud (Veronique Guillaud, dir.)

    Once Removed by Eduardo Machado (Jorge Cachiero, dir.)

    Jacques and His Master by Milan Kundera (Harvey Seifter, dir.)


    • Vampire Dreams by Suzy McKee Charnas (Michael Edwards, dir.)

    • House of Yes by Wendy MacLeod (Andrew Doe, dir.)

    • Dottie and the Boys by Lynne Kaufman (Andrea Gordon, dir.)

    • Nebraska by Keith Reddin (Ken Watt, dir.)

    • Eastern Standard by Richard Greenberg (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    • Brave New Whirl by Paul Kwan & Arnold Iger (Paul Kwan & Arnold Iger, dir.)

    • Space Between the Steps by Julie Regan (Julie Regan, dir.)

1990 – 1999

  • Man of the Flesh by Octavio Solis (Patrick Kelly, dir.)

    Mud by Maria Irene Fornes (Mary Forcade, dir.)

    Suspended Life by Veronique Guillaud (Veronique Guillaud, dir.)

    East by Steven Berkoff (Paul Hellyer, dir.)

    Temptation by Vaclav Havel (Harvey Seifter, dir.)


    • The Soiled Eyes of a Ghost by Erin Cressida Wilson

    • The Red Address by David Ives (Ken Watt, dir.)

    • The Last Frontier by David Barth (R.A. White, dir.)

    • The Swan by Elizabeth Egloff (June Stein, dir.)

    • Mozart’s Journey to Prague by James Keller (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    • Sexual Mythology by Fred Curchack (Fred Curchack, dir)

  • Love Diatribe by Harry Kondoleon (Albert Takazauckas, dir.)

    Hunger by Peter Mattei (Mary Forcade, dir.)

    Fat Men in Skirts by Nicky Silver (R.A. White, dir.)

    Greek by Steven Berkoff (Paul Hellyer, dir.)

    Oscar and Bertha by María Irene Fornés (María Irene Fornés, dir.)


    • Angel of Death by Charlie Schulman (David Dower, dir.)

    • Reasons to Live. Reason to Live. Half. No Reason. by Han Ong (Brian Kulick, dir.)

    • XXX Love Act by Cintra Wilson (Richard Corley, dir.)

    • Cross-Dressing in the Depression by Erin Cressida Wilson (Harvey Seifter, dir.)

  • The Baltimore Waltz by Paula Vogel (Phyllis S. K. Look, dir.)

    The Brief But Exemplary Life of the Living Goddess (As Told By Herself) by Neena Beber (Marcus Stern, dir.)

    Unquestioned Integrity: The Hill/Thomas Hearings by Mame Hunt (Ellen Sebastian, dir.)


    • Trouble by Steve Friedman (Barbara Damashek, dir.)

    • Why We Have A Body by Claire Chafee (Jayne Wenger, dir.)

    • Watch Your Back by Gary Leon Hill (David Ford, dir.)

    • Substance of Fire by Jon Robin Baitz (Jack Fletcher, dir.)

  • Giants Have Us In Their Books by Jose Rivera (Roberto Varea, dir.)

    Why Things Burn by Marlane Meyer (Roberta Levitow, dir.)

    The End of the Day by Jon Robin Baitz (Matthew Wilder, dir.)

    Hazelle! by Hazelle Goodman and Adriana Trigiani (Gloria Muzio, dir.)

    Playland by Athol Fugard (Benny Sato Ambush, dir.)

    Even Among These Rocks by Claire Chafee (David Schweizer, dir.)

  • Tongues and Savage/Love by Sam Shepard and Joseph Chaikin (J. Chaikin, dir.)

    Three Hotels by Jon Robin Baitz (Renee Shafransky, dir.)

    Night Train To Bolina by Nilo Cruz (Mary Coleman, dir.)

    Say Grace by Gary Leon Hill (David Dower, dir.)

    The Sirens by Darrah Cloud (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    Kingfish by Marlane Meyer (Jonathan Moscone, dir.)

  • Dog Opera by Constance Congdon (David Dower, dir.)

    A Huey P. Newton Story by Roger Guenveur Smith (Roger Guenveur Smith, dir.)

    Prospect by Octavio Solis (Octavio Solis, dir.)

    A Park In Our House by Nilo Cruz (Nilo Cruz, dir.)

    Waiting at the Water’s Edge by Lucinda Coxon (Julie Hébert, dir.)

    Scaring the Fish by Benjamin Bettenbender (Michael Warren Powell, dir.)

  • Hunting for Moby Dick, conceived and directed by Bill Peters and the Ghostlight Theatre Co.

    Pieces of the Quilt, conceived of by noted Magic actor Sean San José Blackman (R.A. White, dir.)

    The Cryptogram by David Mamet (Barbara Damashek, dir.)

    Topographical Eden by Brighde Mullins (Jayne Wenger, dir.)

    When the World Was Green: A Chef’s Fable by Sam Shepard & Joseph Chaikin (Joseph Chaikin, dir.)

    Going, Going, Gone, conceived and directed by Anne Bogart

    The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite by Quincy Long (Mame Hunt, dir.)

  • True West by Sam Shepard (Dan Chumley, dir.)

    The Pharmacist’s Daughter by Monika Monika (Jonathan Moscone, dir.)

    Minutes from the Blue Route by Tom Donaghy (Mame Hunt, dir.)

    Shimmer by John O’Keefe (John O'Keefe, dir.)

    The Bronte Lecture written and performed by John O’Keefe (John O'Keefe, dir.)

    A Question of Mercy by David Rabe (Benny Sato Ambush, dir.)

  • Mules by Winsome Pinnock (Dianne Wynter, dir.)

    A Common Vision by Neena Beber (Mary Coleman, dir.)

    Eyes for Consuela by Sam Shepard (Juliette Carillo, dir.)

    Gum by Karen Hartman (Jean Randich, dir.)

    Stones in His Pockets by Marie Jones (Kent Nicholson, dir.)



  • Hillary and Soon-Yi Shop For Ties by Michelle Carter (Joan Mankin, dir.)

    Brontë by John O’Keefe (Barbara Damashek, dir.)

    Wyoming by Barry Gifford (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    Kissing the Witch by Emma Donoghue (Kent Nicholson, dir.)

    Summertime by Charles L. Mee, Jr. (Kenn Watt, dir.)



2000 – 2009

  • The Late Henry Moss by Sam Shepard (Sam Shepard, dir.)

    Howie the Rookie by Mark O’Rowe (Mike Bradwell, dir.)

    House of Lucky by Frank Wortham (Josh Costello, dir.)

    Silence by Moira Buffini (Barbara Damashek, dir.)

    The American in Me by Rebecca Gilman (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    BETTY Rules by BETTY (Michael Greif, dir.)




  • Schrodinger’s Girlfriend by Matthew Wells (Kenn Watt, dir.)

    The Eviction by Victor Lodato (Juliette Carillo, dir.)

    Bob & Room conceived and directed by Anne Bogart

    Tape by Stephen Belber (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    First Love by Charles Mee (Erin Mee, dir.)

    Ripped from the News by True Fiction Magazine



  • Ted Kaczynski Killed People With Bombs by Michelle Carter (Bill Peters, dir.)

    Body Familiar written, directed and choreographed by Joe Goode

    8 Bob Off by Gary Leon Hill (David Dower, dir.)

    Blue Surge by Rebecca Gilman (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    The Lonesome West by Martin McDonagh (Barbara Damashek, dir.)

    Love & Taxes by Josh Kornbluth (David Dower, dir.)


  • The Sex Habits of American Women by Julie Marie Myatt (Michael Bigelow Dixon, dir.)

    Triptych by Edna O’Brien (Paul Whitworth, dir.)

    Dr. Faustus by David Mamet (David Mamet, dir.)

    Uncle Jacques Symphony by Dominic Hoffman (Dominic Hoffman, dir.)


    • The 13 Hallucinations of Julio Rivera by Stephen R. Culp (Jimmy Bohr, dir.)

    • Drifting Elegant by Stephen Belber (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    • Relativity by Cassandra Medley (Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe, dir.)

  • The Opposite of Sex by Robert Jess Roth & Douglas J. Cohen, music by Douglas J. Cohen (Robert Jess Roth, dir.)

    The Right Kind of People by Charles Grodin (Chris Smith, dir.)

    The Sweetest Swing in Baseball by Rebecca Gilman (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    A Reckoning by Wesley Moore (Richard Seyd, dir.)

    Pugilist Specialist by Adriano Shaplin (Riot Group, dir.)


    • The Rules of Charity by John Belluso (Chris Smith, dir.)

    • The Black Eyed by Betty Shamieh (Jessica Heidt, dir.)

    • 3F 4F by Victor Lodato (Pam MacKinnon, dir.)

  • Family Butchers by Edna O’Brien (Paul Whitworth, dir.)

    The Hopper Collection by Mat Smart (Chris Smith, dir.)

    The Long Christmas Ride Home by Paula Vogel (Basil Twist, dir.)


    • Morbidity & Mortality by Courtney Baron (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    • Nero (Another Golden Rome) by Steven Sater/Duncan Shiek (Beth Miles, dir.)

    • The Ice-Breaker by David Rambo (Art Manke, dir.)

  • The God of Hell by Sam Shepard (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    Moving Right Along by Elaine May & Jan Mirochek (Elaine May & Jeannie Berlin, dir.)

    Citizen Josh by Josh Kornbluth (David Dower, dir.)

    Luminescence Dating by Carey Perloff (Mark Rucker, dir.)


    • Pleasure and Pain by Chantal Bilodeau (Jessica Heidt, dir.)

    • Rust by Kirsten Greenidge (Raelle Myrick-Hodges, dir.)

    • ‘Bot by C. Michèle Kaplan (Chris Smith, dir.)

  • Expedition 6 by Bill Pullman (Bill Pullman, dir.)

    The Crowd You’re In With by Rebecca Gilman (Amy Glazer, dir.)

    Territories by Betty Shamieh (Jessica Heidt, dir.)

    Tir Na Nog (“Land of Youth”) by Edna O’Brien (Chris Smith, dir.)

    Monkey Room by Kevin Fisher (Mark Routhier, dir.)

    Octopus by Steve Yockey (Kate Warner, dir.)

    The Joan Rivers Theatre Project by Joan Rivers, Doug Bernstein, & Denis Markell (Mark Rucker, dir.)

  • The K of D by Laura Schellhardt (Rebecca Novick, dir.)

    Evie’s Waltz by Carter W. Lewis (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Tough Titty by Oni Faida Lampley (Robert O’Hara, dir.)

    American Hwangap by Lloyd Suh (Trip Cullman, dir.)

    Mauritius by Theresa Rebeck (Loretta Greco, dir.)

  • Goldfish by John Kolvenbach (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Mrs. Whitney by John Kolvenbach (John Kolvenbach, dir.)

    Oedipus el Rey by Luis Alfaro (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    An Accident by Lydia Stryk (Rob Melrose, dir.)

    The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later

2010 – 2019

  • The Lily’s Revenge by Taylor Mac (Meredith McDonough, Marissa Wolf, Erika Chong Shuch, Erin Gilley, Jessica Holt & Jessica Heidt, dir.)

    What We’re Up Against by Theresa Rebeck (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    The Brothers Size by Tarell Alvin McCraney (Octavio Solis, dir.)

    Or, by Liz Duffy Adams (Loretta Greco, dir.)

  • Why We Have a Body by Claire Chafee (Katie Pearl, dir.; Jessica Holt, assoc. dir.)

    Annapurna by Sharr White (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Jesus in India by Lloyd Suh (Daniella Topol, dir.)

    Any Given Day by Linda McLean (Jon Tracy, dir.)

    Bruja by Luis Alfaro (Loretta Greco, dir.)

  • The Other Place by Sharr White (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Another Way Home by Anna Ziegler (Meredith McDonough, dir.)

    Se Llama Cristina by Octavio Solis (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    The Happy Ones by Julie Marie Myatt (Jonathan Moscone, dir.)

    Terminus by Mark O’Rowe (Jon Tracy, dir.)

  • Buried Child by Sam Shepard (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Arlington by Polly Pen & Victor Lodato (Jackson Gay, dir.)

    Hir by Taylor Mac (Nigel Smith, dir.)

    Every Five Minutes by Linda McLean (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    pen/man/ship by Christina Anderson (Ryan Guzzo Purcell, dir.)

  • Bad Jews by Joshua Harmon (Ryan Guzzo Purcell, dir.)

    And I And Silence by Naomi Wallace (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    A Lie of the Mind by Sam Shepard (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Sister Play by John Kolvenbach (John Kolvenbach, dir.)

    This Golden State Part One: Delano by Luis Alfaro (Loretta Greco, dir.)

  • Fred's Diner by Penelope Skinner (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Bright Half Life by Tanya Barfield (Jessica Holt, dir.)

    Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    Sojourners by Mfoniso Udofia (Ryan Guzzo Purcell, dir.)

    runboyrun by Mfoniso Udofia (Sean San José, dir.)

  • Nogales by Richard Montoya (Sean San José, dir.)


    Fool for Love by Sam Shepard (Loretta Greco, dir.)

    The Baltimore Waltz by Paula Vogel (Jonathan Moscone, dir.)

  • Taylor Mac: 24-Decade History of Popular Music by Taylor Mac (Nigel Smith, dir)

    The Eva Trilogy by Barbara Hammond (Loretta Greco, dir)

    Reel to Reel by John Kolvenbach (John Kolvenbach, dir)

    The Gangster of Love by Jessica Hagedorn (Loretta Greco, dir)

  • The Resting Place by Ashlin Halfnight (Jessica Holt, dir)

    In Old Age by Mfoniso Udofia (Victor Malana Maog, dir)

    Oedipus el Rey (Legacy Revival) by Luis Alfaro (Loretta Greco, dir)

  • The Chinese Lady by Lloyd Suh (Mina Morita, dir)

    NASSIM by Nassim Solimanpour (Omar Elerian, dir)

    Don't Eat the Mangos by Ricardo Pérez González (David Mendizába, dir)

    Escaped Alone by Caryl Churchill (Loretta Greco, dir)

2022 – Present

  • The Kind Ones by Miranda Rose Hall (Lisa Peterson, dir)

    Monument, or Four Sisters (A Sloth Play) by Sam Chanse (Giovanna Sardello, dir)

  • The Travelers - by Luis Alfaro (Dir Catherine Castallenos)

    THE NI¿¿ER LOVERS - by Marc Anthony Thompson (Co-dir Sean San José)

    Josephine’s Feast - by Star Finch (Dir Ellen Sebastian Chang)